hSBM Topic Modelling¶
In this section we introduce part of our text analysis, namely the part which pertains to our topic modelling approach. Topic models are mainly used to cluster a collection of documents into different so-called ‘topics’. In our analysis, we choose relevant topics, extract their topic distributions and visualize the results in different manners to demonstrate how and in which areas the different disciplines tend to interact on Wikipedia.
# Imports
import os
import joblib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from wordcloud import WordCloud
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
import networkx as nx
import pandas as pd
import json
from IPython.display import display, Image, set_matplotlib_formats
import ast
from matplotlib import rc
rc("text", usetex=False)
from pyvis.network import Network
from bokeh.io import output_notebook, show, save
from bokeh.models import Range1d, Circle, ColumnDataSource, MultiLine
from bokeh.plotting import from_networkx
from bokeh import palettes
from bokeh.layouts import row
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.models import Title
from bokeh import palettes
# Load data
df = pd.read_pickle('Final_df.pickle')
new_names = list(zip(df.parent+ '-' + df.title))
new_names = [tuple[0] for index, tuple in enumerate(new_names)]
# hSBM data
topic_dist_df = pd.read_csv('topic_dist_df.csv')
topic_dist_df = topic_dist_df.drop('Unnamed: 0', axis = 1)
f = open('topics_l1.json')
topics_l1 = json.load(f) # topics at level 1 returning 20 most probable words
topics_l1 = {int(k):v for k,v in topics_l1.items()}
# network data
word_nx = pd.read_csv('word_bipartite_df.csv')
word_nx = word_nx.drop('Unnamed: 0', axis = 1)
bipart_nx = pd.read_csv('bipartite_df.csv')
bipart_nx = bipart_nx.drop('Unnamed: 0', axis = 1)
hierarchical Stochastic Block Model (hSBM) Topic Modelling¶
Inspired by the approach set forth by [Gerlach et al., 2018], we show the hierarchical clustering of documents and words from our Wikipedia dataset for all five scientific disciplines using a hierarchical Stochastic Block Model (hSBM). We only consider words that appear more than ten times in the text corpus and end up with 4302 articles or in our case, nodes. As opposed to other popular topic models such as LDA, we do not need to specify number of groups, levels or topics beforehand, since hSBM automatically detects these parameters. The model is inspired by community detection in networks and creates a bipartite-like network of words and documents. It splits the network into groups on different hierarchical levels organized as a tree. On each level, the hSBM clusters the documents and words in varying group sizes.
We have fed the model with data consisting of preprocessed tokens from each Wikipedia article where we remove infrequent tokens with a threshold at minimum 10 occurrences per token. We are able to extract the documents from the model using the document number which corresponds to the index from our dataframe. We have merged the title of each article with the discipline from which it originates i.e. ‘Voter Turnout’ becomes ‘political_science-voter_turnout, which we need for the forthcoming analysis. The model has been trained in Google Colab due to resource limitations using the following code:
# our text data
docs = df['tokens']
# remove infrequent words.
cutoff = 5
c = Counter()
for doc in docs:
vocab = c.most_common(25000)
vocab = set([w for w,count in vocab if count>10])
# remove words
docs = [[w for w in doc if w in vocab] for doc in docs]
# we create an instance of the sbmtm-class
model = sbmtm()
# we have to create the word-document network from the corpus
model.make_graph(docs,documents=['%d'%i for i in range(len(docs))])
# fit the model
gt.seed_rng(32) ## seed for graph-tool's random number generator --> same results
# generate topics at level 1
topics_l1 = loaded_model.topics(l=1,n=20)
We have experimented with extracting topics at different levels of the model (our model has 7 levels). Generally, we find that the topics at level 1 are the most cohesive and specific which is useful for our analysis. We specify that the model should return the 20 most probable words per topic (remember the model itself chooses a number of topics). The model generates 76 topics on level 1 which span from very method-related to more theme or topic-specific such as ‘socialism’ or ‘US politics’. On level 2, we find 15 topics which are more discipline-related and broader. The lower the level, the less semantically cohesive the topics. We have exported the level 1 topics generated by the model from the colab notebook alongside the forthcoming visualisation and model parameters.
# plot of the model's hierarchical layers
Image(filename = 'hSBM.png', width = 50, height = 20)
The above image shows the structure of the model. On the left side, we have the documents and on the right side, we see the words. Compared to Gerlach et al. ‘s visualisation (see link), we are not able to detect the different disciplines from this image, however we do find the division on the document-ax interesting as it seems to divide the documents into two overall sections. However we need a different approach to utilize this sort of model output, so instead we choose and name 10 topics from the level 1 topics for a deeper content analysis:
# the 10 topics from level 1 of our model
chosen_topics = {'administrative_science':topics_l1[7], 'market_economy':topics_l1[18], 'museum_anthropology':topics_l1[23],
'cognitive_psychology':topics_l1[25], 'academia':topics_l1[30], 'statistical_methods':topics_l1[32],
'socialism':topics_l1[43], 'labour_economics':topics_l1[53], 'class_racialization':topics_l1[68],
# we create a pandas dataframe for our topics and topic words
topic_names = list(chosen_topics.keys())
topic_df = pd.DataFrame(index = topic_names)
topic_df['topics'] = list(chosen_topics.values())
The topics are chosen based on word clusters we find semantically meaningful and interesting for our query at hand - we choose some we believe to be purely discipline-specific and some which we believe to capture some overlap between disciplines. Our analysis will therefore touch upon patterns and tendencies rather than generalize across our entire dataset. We choose to visualize the word-topics with bar plots of the word probability distribution in each topic:
# Plot word probability distribution
fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows = 3, ncols = 4, figsize = (10,10), dpi = 300)
axs = axs.flat
for i in range(len(topic_df)):
y = [i[0] for i in topic_df["topics"][i]][::-1]
x = [i[1] for i in topic_df["topics"][i]][::-1]
axs[i].barh(y, x, color = "k")
axs[i].set_title(topic_df.index.tolist()[i].replace('_', ' '), fontsize = 10)
From the words, we are already able to get a general idea of what kind of topic to infer. We see that especially the first 3 words of each topic tend to be very contributing. Based on our knowledge of the different disciplines, we are able to get an overall sense of whether we are dealing with an interdisciplinary topic such as ‘statistical methods’ or a disciplinary topic such as cognitive psychology. We do however want to be certain in our assessment and since words tend to be ambiguous, we extract the topic distribution for each chosen topic and their relation to articles in our corpus to better understand the context of the different words. The titles above each plot have been chosen based on both the word clusters as well as the articles related to each topic.
# function to extract the relevant data from our topic distributions
def get_topic_dist(key):
# get the topic
topic = topics_l1[key]
# get the words belonging to each topic
words = [tuple[0] for index, tuple in enumerate(topic)]
# and their probabilities
word_prob = [tuple[1] for index, tuple in enumerate(topic)]
# get the 30 most probable articles related from the topic distribution
topic_dist = topic_dist_df.iloc[key].sort_values(ascending = False)[:30]
# store their probabilities
article_probabilities = [t for t in topic_dist]
# and their names
articles = [t for t in topic_dist.index]
return topic_num_names[key], article_probabilities, articles, words, word_prob
#new dict with original key values as keys and inferred topic as value
new_keys_names = list(chosen_topics.keys())
topic_num = [7, 18, 23, 25, 30, 32, 43, 53, 68, 75]
topic_num_names = dict(zip(topic_num, new_keys_names))
# lists of the different values we need
topics = []
probabilities = []
article_names = []
words = []
word_prob = []
# extract all relevant values
for key in topic_num:
element = get_topic_dist(key)
Before diving further into our analysis, let us take a closer look at a few of the topics:
# the 20 most probable articles and words for this topic
topic0 = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(article_names[0], probabilities[0])),
columns = ['topic: administrative politics', 'probability'])
topic: administrative politics | probability | |
0 | political_science-law_without_the_state | 0.225806 |
1 | political_science-exclusive_federal_powers | 0.161017 |
2 | economics-economic_power | 0.142857 |
3 | political_science-the_province_of_jurisprudenc... | 0.140000 |
4 | political_science-concurrent_powers | 0.134021 |
5 | political_science-dualism_(law) | 0.133492 |
6 | political_science-political_obligation | 0.130682 |
7 | political_science-retslægerådet | 0.130435 |
8 | sociology-authority_(sociology) | 0.126411 |
9 | political_science-implied_powers | 0.119617 |
10 | sociology-delegated_authority | 0.111111 |
11 | political_science-institute_of_parliamentary_a... | 0.108280 |
12 | political_science-universal_law | 0.101695 |
13 | sociology-tripartite_classification_of_authority | 0.101190 |
14 | economics-hans-bernd_schäfer | 0.100000 |
15 | political_science-promulgation_(catholic_canon... | 0.098876 |
16 | political_science-vacatio_legis | 0.098726 |
17 | sociology-yhprum's_law | 0.094488 |
18 | political_science-list_of_national_legal_systems | 0.093230 |
19 | economics-thrift_institution | 0.090909 |
For topic 7, we infer it to regard administrative science. While the most probable words are ‘law’, ‘power’, and ‘institution’, we also see how the topic is the majority contributor in an overweight of political science documents which suggest the topic to be mainly political science-related. This topic is one of our more or less ‘pure’ discipline topics. Let’s take a look at one of our more interdisciplinary topics:
topic5 = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(article_names[5], probabilities[5])),
columns = ['topic: statistical methods', 'probability'])
topic: statistical methods | probability | |
0 | political_science-total_survey_error | 0.278846 |
1 | political_science-non-sampling_error | 0.271186 |
2 | economics-kitchen_sink_regression | 0.218750 |
3 | psychology-list_of_backmasked_messages | 0.200000 |
4 | economics-analysis_of_rhythmic_variance | 0.170213 |
5 | psychology-psychological_statistics | 0.166909 |
6 | economics-cash_flow_hedge | 0.166667 |
7 | political_science-administrative_error | 0.166667 |
8 | economics-variance_risk_premium | 0.161290 |
9 | economics-correlation_trading | 0.148936 |
10 | economics-truncated_regression_model | 0.144068 |
11 | psychology-repeatability | 0.141593 |
12 | economics-average_fixed_cost | 0.140845 |
13 | economics-economic_puzzle | 0.139535 |
14 | psychology-reliability_(statistics) | 0.137624 |
15 | sociology-list_of_countries_by_share_of_income... | 0.136364 |
16 | political_science-data_editing | 0.135802 |
17 | economics-cost_accrual_ratio | 0.135135 |
18 | political_science-tim_holt_(statistician) | 0.123711 |
19 | political_science-scale_analysis_(statistics) | 0.123711 |
Statistical methods is one of our most interdisciplinary topics as it is present in articles from multiple disciplines. We find in particular that articles from psychology, political science and economics are related to the topic suggesting that statistical methods is a topic of interdisciplinary character. Intuitively, this aligns with our understanding of the different disciplines as statistical inference and causality traditionally both are strived for in academic work from these fields and thus involve well-known methods related to this topic. Since the distribution of Wikipedia articles between disciplines is skewed towards political science, we find many political science-related topics in general as well as articles in each topic. This will also be evident in the following section.